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1-888-55-BRIDGE (1-888-552-7434)

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Call ForgingBridges Today:

1-888-55-BRIDGE (1-888-552-7434)

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ForgingBridges has several financial assistance programs for you* ForgingBridges has several financial assistance programs for you*

has several


programs for you*

Actor portrayals.

Explore your options for help with costs

  • Copay Assistance
    Copay Assistance

    If you have insurance through your employer or have private coverage, the Copay Assistance Program may help reduce your out-of-pocket costs (including copays, coinsurance, or deductibles) for Attruby to as little as $0 per month.

  • Patient Assistance Program (PAP)
    Patient Assistance Program (PAP)

    Through the PAP, you may
    be eligible to receive Attruby
    at no cost.

  • QuickStart Program
    QuickStart Program

    If you are experiencing coverage delays of 5 days or more, you may be eligible to receive a limited supply of Attruby at no cost through the QuickStart Program.

Explore these programs

Explore these programs

Call ForgingBridges today
at 1-888-55-BRIDGE
for more information and
to enquire about your eligibility
for these programs.

*ForgingBridges Support Program Terms and Conditions are available upon request by calling ForgingBridges at 1-888-55-BRIDGE

or clicking here.

Patients must meet certain income criteria and be either currently uninsured or have limited coverage, or have received an appeal denial.

Get to know your dedicated
ForgingBridges support team

  • Patient Access Liaison (PAL)
    Patient Access Liaison (PAL)

    Providing you and your care partner with
    personalized assistance, your PAL will be
    your primary point of contact for all your
    support needs.

  • ForgingBridges Specialist
    ForgingBridges Specialist

    A Specialist will also be assigned to
    you and your doctor as a go-to
    resource for coverage support and
    financial assistance options.

Sign eConsent Form
to be connected

Get in touch with us.

Call ForgingBridges at:
1-888-55-BRIDGE (1-888-552-7434)
Mon–Fri, 8 AM to 8 PM ET


Get in touch with us.

Call ForgingBridges at:
Mon–Fri, 8 AM to 8 PM ET

Confirmation of enrollment receipt will be sent to your doctor’s office & we’ll take it from there!